Sunday, September 27, 2009

At the Outset

Welcome to my blog in its new avatar!

I had been brooding over the metamorphosis of this space for long. Since I have gotten down to doing it finally, let me set out the kind of things you will find me writing here. But first, a brief flashback to what I have been upto.

It was over 2 years back, in July 2007 that I decided to follow my heart and give a career in public service a serious try. I took a few months off from my previous job and began as a full-time volunteer at Janaagraha. I soon realized that my passion for public change deserved a long term commitment, and joined Janaagraha as an employee in November 2007.

Before I came across Janaagraha, I had NEVER volunteered for any cause nor did I have any first-hand knowledge of the kind of work happening in India’s non-profit / NGO sector. So I began my journey within Janaagraha with a very modest agenda.

First and foremost, I wanted to test if I was really cut out for a career in pubic service. Yes, there was a degree of self-doubt whether my passion for public service was a brief fantasy or a genuine desire to make a difference.

Second, I wanted to seriously engage in issues of urban governance. Janaagraha is widely regarded as a thought leader on urban issues today in India, and I wanted to get an insider’s view to what the real issues were and the solutions to the same.

Finally, and this is what relates closely with the theme of this blog, I wanted to test my own effectiveness in making a difference. I had a reasonable belief in my capabilities (sheepish grin!), but viewed “making a difference” as something completely out of reach. For one, I had no idea of how one goes about making a difference!

Today, after 2 thrilling years within Janaagraha, I can comfortably answer the first two points above. I have firmly committed myself to a lifelong career in public service, and have gained a good understanding of the fundamental issues plaguing India’s urban governance. I know the learning will continue over the coming years.

On the third point however, I have realized that there are no set answers. There is no recipe for “making a difference” but the ingredients are well known – passion, passion and passion. Everything else I think, follows. The context for each issue is different, and so are the stakeholders and their motivations.

But I have a resounding belief in one thing, that one individual CAN make a huuuuuuuuge difference. I know this sounds cliché but I am speaking out of a deep conviction based on experiences from the last two years, seeing many individuals and organizations doing fabulous work in India and abroad.

I haven’t achieved much personally, but I try to apply myself passionately on all the issues that I work on. I get delighted when a new challenge presents itself, and love to “experiment” various solutions and find which one works. This then enriches my way of thinking in future. Hence the title of this blog – A young Indian’s experiments with public change.

This is what you will find me writing frequently about in this space:

  • The inside story of how my team and I go about building “Jaagte Raho! campaign” – an ambitious initiative to redefine how urban India engages on active citizenship
  • My experiences at Janaagraha while engaging on various urban issues
  • My experiences with working in the grassroots at Bangalore, trying to organize communities towards greater participation on civic issues
  • Any interesting activity or initiative I come across that is aligned to my interests i.e. urban governance and civic engagement of the youth

Happy reading!


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